Saturday, March 8, 2008

Check out Liam's new teeth!

Can you see those little biters?!! Yep. Two bottom teeth are in! He has now also cut his first top tooth so that he can bite nice and hard!!! For whatever reason, Liam likes to bite toes. Watch out! This picture is of Liam in his ball pit with his cariboo Ickaboo. Too much fun!

Happy First Birthday Liam!!!

Ummm. Cake. We let Liam have a nice big chunck of vanilla cake for his birthday treat. It went over well...though not as messy as I had expected. Maybe there was too much pressure!

We had a great party for Liam and tons of his friends were able to make it out. In this picture you can see Avry, Cadence, Maia and Liam, and lots of mommas!!

Liam's ball pit was a big hit with all the babies. Here is Rylan and Tavas having a dip and Cadence trying to join them!

This is Liam's friend Ronan playing in the pit and Liam pulling out the usual!

The many faces of Liam

Ghetti face
Toy eating face ( one of his wooden stackers)
That look

The "why aren't you in the ball pit with us Momma?" look

Pictures from New Years Eve

Here is Liam giving Isaac the loser sign as he was snapping some change table shots!

I don't know what look this is, but it's sure cute!! I think it might be his climbing face.

Bath mohawks are too cute. If I had a choice, Liam would get this first hair cut into a fauxhawk!

Liam and Daddy on New Years. Was there a Canucks game or something?!!